

15 members

"Critical thinking is the most important factor with chess. As it is in life, you need to think before you make decisions."
– GM Hikaru Nakamura
"When you see a good move, look for a better one."
– GM Emanuel Lasker

Welcome to ABCC...
Let's compete over a chessboard of 64 squares. A game with endless possibilities on every move. An art of Analysis, Strategy, Tactics, Planning & Nerves - all at once!

Release your pressure of Research and Labs on the Chess Board.
Relieve your mind, satisfy your soul moving those chessmen to the best potential of yours!

ABCC - Azad Bhawan Chess Club, IIT Roorkee...
Azad Bhawan Chess lovers and enthusiasts unite here... ️️

We'll conduct Tournaments periodically and regularly here. And above that, we can participate in other Tournaments too, as a Team...️
Please maintain the dignity of group and keep up with the spirits of sportsmanship and especially with the virtues of a chess player.
Good Luck and All the Very Best...️


SilverBronzeDeciderIntraBhwn237+3 • Rapid • Rated3 rounds Swiss
AZADTeamSelectionStudentsClub7+4 • Rapid • Rated3 rounds Swiss