
Are you good at resigning?

Abandoning a lost game with resigning - say 5 times in total - should result in a permanent block of the user account. It is absolutely a shame, unforgivable.
The first image makes me shocked actually its a good move because Qd2+,Kf1,Bh3+ and we can eat the rook and its check again and queen takes and I take pawns, In other case, we have Qd2+,Kg3 and we eat the rook with our king.

We can resign only if we very down material or the checkmate its unavoidable ty for sharing this issue @juancruzariasTDF
@Ib0R37M_STJ The resulting position is quite complicated, yes! But the shock of losing the rook I think was too much to handle. If instead Black was down a rook from before and White just played the rook to g8, Black would've been eager to find a counter like Qd2 then ...Bh3
@juancruzariasTDF said in #4:
> @Ib0R37M_STJ The resulting position is quite complicated, yes! But the shock of losing the rook I think was too much to handle. If instead Black was down a rook from before and White just played the rook to g8, Black would've been eager to find a counter like Qd2 then ...Bh3

Excellent so, thanks bro (0︎0)
If our ultimate goal was to win at all costs, it would be rational to never give up. After all, our opponents sometimes have connection problems, or stop paying attention to the game because they consider it won, start playing mechanically and make an unfortunate stalemate at the end instead of checkmating.
The real thing is that you don't play online to win absolutely. This only raises our elo artificially, resulting in a situation where we're playing against players who are too strong, and who won't help us progress optimally. Furthermore, it unnecessarily lengthens the games played by adding moves that don't make the player waiting for the stalemate or disconnection progress, because the positions played are not realistic.
Our ultimate aim is to improve, and, often, moving on to the next game is simply wiser and more rational.
to the victor go the spoils but losers have rights too--like the right to play until checkmate or the right to resign any time before then.

when on the losing side, i think we should play until we don't feel like it. (so, i tend to agree with this article.) the winning side gets a chance to substitute anger and outrage for relaxing and enjoying play from a winning position.

especially below FM level, we should play on from a losing position because it's a great time (maybe the only time) to practice searching for stalemates; to practice simply converting winning positions to a full point; or to practice those cool tablebase mates with K+R v K, or K+Q v K (why else did I learn those...? please don't resign!)
@nathanap Absolutely agree with you, furthermore to continue playing beyond our enjoyment can hurt performance too

@Inter-temporal Learning to substitue anger with relaxation (but not too much relaxation!) is a skill in itself... taking a breather, a sip of water and moving on :)
it's just a waste of time to play certain games to their end. the evaluator in your head say the best move you can find leaves you at -5, so what's the point? i dont even get mad when i resign and after analyzing realize i actually was ahead! it doesn't matter that the computer knows i had a won position. in my head it was a lost position, obviously it's a mistake on the board i will try to learn from, but i never regret playing what i thought was the best move, whether it leads to getting mated or it leads to a premature resignation. the point is to learn and get better.

sure, i can practice making positions complicated and hoping my opponent messes up what should be an easy game, but i'd rather go back and review the game and figure out what i was missing earlier that lead to the mistake.

it's also about respect for the game and for the opponent. it is disrespectful to resign too early, showing your opponent you weren't that interested in playing at all, but it's also disrespectful to make them sit there and wait for you to take a minute a move while they simply promote a queen and mate you in the simplest way possible.

you might win a couple games because the opponent disconnected or simply blundered a queen right back, but long term you won't gain rating because you will have wasted all that time practicing how to steal victories from people with poor internet connections or impatience with easily won positions, instead of actually learning how to play better and beat better players.
No one has any obligation ever, to resign if they don't wish to, unless they are stalling and don't intend to play further. I also think it is more honourable to allow a mate. It is abhorrent when someone who has mate in 1 or 2 and lets time run out, wanting you to resign instead of taking the obvious mate. This kind of behavior should be punished.
The bottomline should be that one should never let time run unless you are thinking about the next move/s. Stallers, whether winners or losers are bad sports.