

KingCrusher charges 40 USD/hr. There is one that charges only 15 USD/hr.
Both are CMs. How does KingCrusher justify charging more than twice higher than the other CM?
Also, notice that there are no GM coaches! GM coaches are the best! How can anyone who has never got a GM title teach others how to become GMs?
When coaching the title and playing strength is not the only important thing. You also have to be good at teaching. Therefore a CM that is good at teaching can be better than an IM that is not.
@blackzombie #35
Of course it is possible to learn those things from chess engines, but the things you just mentioned can also be learned by doing tactical puzzles.

I would choose to do tactical puzzles on e.g. chesstempo any day over using just a chess engine to try to improve my game.
Quite often in the tactic puzzle comments other chess players explain variations and ideas. And it is great to see the GM games as sources for most of the puzzles.

Compared to that, working just with a chess engine is a dried out river without much life.

Again, my point was to warn for the danger to use a chess engine a lot in your chess study, preparation, and training.

Relying a lot on chess engines in chess game analysis can also make oneself lazy in evaluating positions, and one can start to have a playing style which becomes more materialistic, ending up with having to defend positionally bad positions, where only deep calculation would save the day.

For improving chess technique it is much better to learn "simple chess", amongst others by studying the games of e.g. Capablanca, Karpov, Petrosian, Ulf Andersson, Fischer, Salov, Carlsen.

And of course chess coach can help pointing out your weak and strong points, and making suggestions how to improve.

For example : Do more endgame training. Don't trade bishops so quickly. Don't start a wing attack before closing the center. Activate and centralize your king better in the endgame. Mind that knight are usually bad in stopped passed a and h pawns.
Not all opposite colored bishop endgames are drawn.
Do not open up the position when you are seriously behind in development. etc.etc.

A chess engine is not really able to tell you this in a human way.
@achja , that's what I thought, although the computer does help you analyze more complex positions
How about a fair trade? If anyone is looking to dabble in coaching, I will evaluate your coaching if you will to evaluate my playing =)

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