
Is flagging a legitamite strategy?

Premoving all the time is bad - you'll easily lose material.

Keeping control of the opponent's time is good - choose your strategy to survive when they're too short on time
#10: 'The grand masters like Morphy and Steinitz would be rolling in their graves if they knew what was going on these days. '

~ Or they'd be playing Classical where flagging doesn't exist and accept that different time-controls've different strategies.
'If you want to play your best put effort into playing good moves not this silly flagging business.'

~ How much time you spent per move and how much your opponent loses impacts the quality of each move.

Also, how the fuck is it silly to use a legal, moral aspect of a game that you and your opponent've agreed to play to your advantage?
'How childish.' ~ You checkmated me after I blundered mate-in-one? How childish! Not holding back's unsportsmanlike!
Bullet is like a quiz lightning round. It does not matter if all your answers are correct, if you take longer than your opponent to answer the questions, you lose. Same in bullet. Time management is an essential part of the strategy, and flagging is a legitimate way to win.

Don't like it? Play longer time controls, it's that simple.
@Shadow1414 said in #15:
> 'How childish.' ~ You checkmated me after I blundered mate-in-one? How childish! Not holding back's unsportsmanlike!

Any source I've ever seen the rules of chess explained they always say that the object of the game of chess is to checkmate the opponent. Not to act like a silly little child and move as fast as you can with nonsense moves. So you are not playing according to the rules, and in sports that is the very definition of immorality. Shame!
@pretzelattack1 said in #18:
> is running fast a legitimate strategy in a 100m dash? updates at 10.

As long as it doesn't say in the rulebook that the object of the 100m dash is to checkmate your opponent, then I'd say yes, it's legitimate.

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