
Playing my first OTB tournament. Any advice?

Watch out for tactics! I recently played in the Pacific Coast Open, and in my 4th game I was losing and my opponent blundered but I missed the easy tactic and went on to lose.
Also i refer to this swindle chess tiger. Its better to make some noise than to be the noised.
*Make the forced moves without wasting time on the clock, if there is only a legal move, what are you gonna do? Is a common mistake that I've seen recently.

*Make plans, don't just move your pieces because.

*Tactics before a tournament are recommended, but make sure you rest the day before the first game.

*Also I have noticed that eating too much for dinner is not good for my games.

*Make sure you analyze your games after the tournament.

Keep things fun.
Really? I think we are going to the same tournament! Is it in missisuaga? This will be my first CFC tournament as well!
No, unfortunately not. I live in a small town about 4 or 5 hours away from Mississauga, and the event I'm going to is the 1st Smiths Falls Open. Sorry to get your hopes up :P
Ohh I didn't see that one tournament. Well maybe we'll get to play each other OTB some other time :D

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