
What options has Lichess considered to quell the bot players?

#10 very good ideas. Hopefully we'll see it in the future.

I must say, with due respect to an excellent player, I can't help feeling a certain amount of discomfort about your motives here at lichess, BitChess. You've already proved that flashing a bit of cash makes hundreds of players swoon and the site forget its anarchistic roots. I wonder what's next...
You'll like the next part but we need some more weeks.

Currently working on something big.
Finally I saw a GM (Eric Hansen @Chessbrahs) playing in BitChess CrazyHouse HyperBullet tournament! And he is from Canada like me! When can I watch JannLee? I like watching strong players' games. Sometimes I successfully use their tactics in my own games.

"Whatever your feelings are regarding the well-known GM Wesley So incident, it is undoubtedly a shame that cheaters are so easily able to mix themselves in with the more legitimate parts of our community. " in the 3rd paragraph what incident? I did not hear of this.
You must have heard that ChessAt3 and BitChess and thibault organized tournaments featuring Wesley So. These tournaments were announced 24 hours in advance and were featured in the front page. Thousands of players participated in them. These tournaments were heavily moderated and all engine users were banned. The engine users that played with Wesley So were banned before the games ended. There were several editions of these tournaments and they were all very successful. Later on, Wesley So realized that his games in the special tournaments are not sufficient to get the Lichess Blitz Champion Trophy. In order to get this, he needed to be the highest rated player at Lichess. Therefore he started to play games from the lobby. I don't know if he has created seeks or accepted seeks from other players. Apparently, Lichess moderators did not monitor the lobby games as vigorously as Special Tournaments. Wesley So eventually played against an engine user and lost two times in row. I don't know if realized he was playing against an engine in the first game. I believe he did. I still have no idea why he played another game right after the first. It would be a good strategy to the reject rematch offer, do computer analysis and see where his mistakes are. After losing twice, Wesley So reacted very powerfully. Among other things, he closed his account on Lichess. You can still watch his current games from 2016 USA chess championship at
His games are amazing! Wesley So is a very good chess player!
Wow I knew about the tournaments but I did not know he closed his account thanks.
#8 are you actually trying claiming Lance5500 is a cheater? lol

I know Lance as well as someone can know another person online. He is a kind a gracious player who also, in the interest of full disclosure, is my chess teacher. We chat frequently beyond just lessons and I know he very much values his anonymity. That is certainly his right. Being good at chess and wishing to be anonymous does not automatically correlate to cheating and it's a shame you make such accusations.
You don't have to be a new player to be a cheater. I don't see how waiting until someone's rating is no longer provisional will help reduce cheating.
Is the cheat detection heuristic really part of the open-source code on this site? Seems a bit doomed to failure then.

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