
Cost of Switching (Multitasking)

No I won't be asking for money somewhere down the line. I might offer something for a price somewhere down the line, but only if I can't give it away for free.
Then why is the website set up like so many other websites that offer 'something for nothing'? Specifically - why are you asking for email addresses?
I don't quite understand your first question. As mentioned, I was switching from blog to course format as a means to make my material more action-oriented than for informational.

I'll have to rethink it, but I might just do blog and course format. Why not both? !

Asking for emails has two purpose:
1) connect at a more personal level, I can share more specific content with my community, and
2) recognizing that not everyone will revisit the site day after day - it's a chance to keep them updated (like RSS) every so often
You must be referring to my survey. The purpose of the survey is to let me understand my community's specific need. I can cater my blog, course, emails, etc. to answer your specific needs.

The phone number is an optional choice at the end of my survey. If you would like to reach out to chat with me, I would be more than happy to have a light-hearted conversation with you.

I respond to emails if you would prefer to chat 1-on-1 via email. But if you prefer talking on the phone, it would mean the world to me to sit down and listen to you.

Not everything can be heard or noticed through typed words.
Absolute borderline! I suspect you are using Lichess to promote an idea you have to make money - in which case you should run your ideas past the moderators before posting. Your websites's connections to chess are tenuous at the least and it has all the makings of a site that at some point will ask the reader to pay.
I don't know how well you can relate my site's purpose to your objectives in chess, but the post was more pertaining towards the concept I wrote about, and hopping around - spending time on all sorts of things.

For example, You could be doing tactics training bits every day and studying openings bits every day and playing blitz a bit every day. Rotating constantly between the three might give you a strong sense of everything, but the hidden cost between jumping between tasks will add up.

You're better off really digging down and committing to one section of your chess than spreading yourself thin over every element.

I didn't thinking terribly deep of how relevant my post on Switching Cost was to chess play. This is why it's in the off-topic section.
Yeah - I understand you have a thesis to write and you spread your net wide. Hopefully you'll go look elsewhere?
I'm politely telling you to do one! You've advertised yourself a 'no-cost' something or other with nothing but 'professional' websites....Either get clearance from Clarkey or Thibault or!

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