
How many mods do you know?

<Comment deleted by user>
There are a few there that aren't mods. The team of volunteers is closer to 200 when Devs, translators, broadcasters and such are included
Numeroid was. But not bosspotato or, I forget the other one

I think Numeroid was mentioned around 8 or 9 on the thread.
#84 #85 There are no direct applications to become a mod. One must first apply to be a mod at; the rejects are then appointed as mods here.

Sir, the true fact is that I in fact had mod permissions on at some point, but also had them removed from my account not long afterwards. Does this qualify me?
Hoping you will consider me!

Kind regards,
okay i understand ..but i dont have time!i want to watch max and mary again
#88 Depends on whether you quit or got fired. If you got fired, please get in contact with Danny Rensch for your integration into Lichess.

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