
# general v2

I nuked the first one, sorry folks, me a maxima culpa.

there should be a warning for impulsive deletes of first posts of threads, even if empty. That's what i told them:

I made text copies of everything new i saw on a regular basis, they are scattered in my local folders, but a good opportunity to learn more grep and regular expression. so eventually or with the contributors help, these data will be back, in even better formatting.

if you remember an interesting discussion or question or link or fact jotted there, please mention it, it will give me some direction or priorities in my slow but steady restoring efforts.

Thank you for understanding.
Q1: What if i like the dark background for game pages, but light background for anything text related on lichess?
Q1a: Is preferences accessible, through front-end scripting (CSS, JS, or else)? (i think not, because prefs are back-end data!?)
Q1b: If not, will i need to emulate through styling the same effect as preference does from back-end prescription?
any better way to ask those questions?
tentative thread titles:
1 Alternative background appearance preferences in lichess site
2 Alternative background appearance preferences for lichess pages
3 Alternative background appearance preferences across lichess site
4 Alternative background appearance preferences for board versus text pages
5 Alternative background appearance preferences for Board versus Forum or Mailbox pages.
Here is one todo list, anybody is welcome to add ideas or comment and about best title for topic.

Persistence of overrides
Mutation-observer code as JS
Regular Expressions is CSS and JS (URL targeting for scripts)
Embedded links in lichess messaging (forum or PM)
???? will add as i remember what has already been approached here or in PMs among team members.
others pitch in please, for topic you'd like approached, this thread is your draft board, my draft board, our draft board, etc...
members of the team: i would like to post these links somewhere, any ideas? I think this is a script entry form for repo registered members maybe for inbox examples To understand headers in extension ready userscripts List of such header keys that GreasyFork repo will recognize (???)
Greasy Fork's policy on external scripts, security question, important because of some past repo site practices.
I await your suggestions of any and or all of this links, i.e. if you have an opinion about usefulness or uselessness of only one, i will read your comment and consider it.
Same question for those links i think would be useful either to users of scripts, or coder of scripts or both.

@UltraBulletIsVeryFun Thanks for joining. This post may serve for other new members that need some orientation, as well.

First, look at the indexes on our forum front page (they have # as prefix and are stickied, i.e. greenish background)
Scripts of two types:
- CSS for userstyles (Stylus)
- JS for userscripts (Tampermonkey).

-I would suggest that you install those two extensions either in chrome or Firefox.
-use the indexes for projects from our members,
-the project/thread titles show you the type of lichess front-end features that are modified to satisfy some user requests

CSS is the first most user experience related language that affects the front-end using local modifications (scripts, override).

the simplest approach is finding CSS selectors using browser inspector DOM tree browser in correspondance with the page of interest (hovering node mapped to page object in parallel). Once you isolate the specific selector, you can formalise it into a userstyle script. There are also, repositories outside lichess for userstyles and userscripts with lichess pages as target.

Also, after you are familiar with some of the finished projects, check the bug/feature request lichess forum and this team INBOX thread managed by our member named @chesswurmotb. Put that into your routine, as the search features in the forums are rudimentary and thread get archived after a while, despite their continued relevance, get buried. That is one reason for our somewhat rigid thread structure (see intro thread for some taste of that formatting question if curious).

I can help some with CSS selector i already played with, otherwise i might be co-learning with you. @berserkasifuweremad has experience with extensions, and Javascript, and @lamlamer has done some extensions as well that complete some part of lichess interface regarding text translation for those part not covered by the crowdin project. Other members may also be able to help you, but they have not yet expressed themselves here, yet. I hope i am not forgetting anybody. sorry if i did. Other lichess users have also been prolific authors as you could read in the index of projects from other sources.

Also, i am pondering whether to make a child team, where we could have learning thread and tech tips exchanges threads, since here we focus more on finished projects, and since learning is more messy (i get messy, i am not the only one).

To any member reading this, i welcome feedback as to how this could be improved for the target audience intended. thanks.
I gonna create stylish-like browser extension especially for Lichess, we will be able create own CSS rules for it, put them as "sddons set"...

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