
Chess Traps

10 • Biranidun •
  1. Noah Ark Trap
  2. Mortimer's Trap
  3. Bishop's Opening Trap
  4. Legall's Mate
  1. Biranidun

Blowing up the House

14 • Biranidun •
  1. Weakest Point: Byrne v Fischer
  2. Strongest Point: Fischer v Reshevsky
  3. Fianchetto: Sicilian Dragon
  4. Greek Gift: French Defence
  1. WFM SarahLongson
  2. Biranidun
  3. FM rowrulz

🔥 Refute: Englund Gambit 🔥

98 • Biranidun •
  1. The Move Order
  2. The Trap
  3. The Refutation
  1. Biranidun
  2. IM BrandonClarke

🔥Refute: Stafford Gambit! 🔥

144 • Biranidun •
  1. Stafford Gambit: 6...h5 - Main Line
  2. Stafford Gambit: 6...Ng4
  1. Biranidun
  2. IM BrandonClarke

Caught in the Middle

7 • Biranidun •
  1. Lead in Development: Blackburne-Shilling Gambit
  2. Momentum: Morphy v Duke of Brunswick
  3. Momentum: Morra Gambit
  4. Momentum: Evans Gambit
  1. WFM SarahLongson
  2. Biranidun
  3. FM rowrulz
  4. IM BrandonClarke

Fun Puzzles

8 • Biranidun •
  1. 8 Queens
  2. 5 Queens
  3. Checkmate
  4. Checkmate All
  1. Biranidun


3 • Biranidun •
  1. White to Move
  2. White to Move
  3. White to Move
  1. Biranidun
  2. AdamOwls