
The Black folk

@Toutatis: Everything which can be numbered is a competition for me. Ratings, number of games played, wins, losses, the number of submitted posts ...

Basically, when I can't say anything substantial, I try my luck at some sarcasm. -_-

I met the green fairy and she left me a gift.
#50 It doesn't worry me what you are, dude. For me, "Jewish" is a part of how I came to be born in the UK - my family has spent 400 years on the run. I'm not religious, but I respect what it means.

Similarly, I respect other people for their feelings and beliefs. I've friends who are Roman Catholics, Hindus and even (believe it or not!) Muslims. As long as they don't expect me to follow their particular holy sandal, it's cool.

This has turned into a very sad thread. One where people's differences are highlighted instead of their similarities. One where dislike is more important than like. One where the Id defeats the Ego.

And that's a shame.
#51 My father was German. I lived four years in Germany. Never came across the Green Fairy though! Hope she's hot :D
Addendum: King_Fischer is a bored troll, and so am I.

My life rooocks!
Rise is having a positive time methinks. ;)

Well yes, I'd say the thread took a turn when the Fischer person took things out of context and tried to relate it to mindless anti=Semitic remarks.

On second thought, the entire thread isn't exactly peaches and creme.

Life isn't always a box of chocolates, regardless of the wisdom gleaned from mentally handicapped characters.

hmm, she has curves on the right places and a pleasant, lemony scent! :D

A lady of the fields, and kissed by the Summer sun.
Sativa I assume. That's not the best for night time, but I suppose it's morning in Germany :)
#55 Woh... you really ARE making an exception in my case. I don't know whether to be flattered or to beat you to death with my yellow star! :D

I've no time for hating without reason. I only hate those people who bring fear to my shores...
but yeah, life ain't a pony chapel, all in all. -_-

People shit on people, it's always been this way.

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