
The Black folk

#70 My point is..never criticize a religion because of its values. It does not make sense to criticize your ruler in any authoritarian nation, hence it makes no sense to criticize any real or supposed deity unless you are forced by an intolerant deity to do so. It makes even less sense to mock a deity unless <please see above>.

There is no independent ethics if theism is true. (Then ethics is whatever the theistic deity define as ethics.)

Democracy and freedom are the main reasons of the rise of atheism (not science and certainly not technology) since some forms of theism are best understood if you live in a feudal or slavery-based society but will be alien if you live in a society in which "master","slave","king" and "servant" do not mean anything beyond religion, though the swift replacement of religion does not increase human rationality in any way or form. People hear atheism from others and believe it without thinking, just like in theist nations of the past many people believed in theism because of other people as opposed to because of the religion itself.

Humans are statistically speaking so irrational and so immoral that most people have never really practiced any religion in its appropriate (i.e. original) form since they distort religion to whatever they (or the majority) want it to be.
The political power of jewish lobby organisations like AIPAC in the US is quite obvious. I recommend a book by John Mearsheimer: "The Israel Lobby". This book tells the truth about the jewish influence on american politics and relationship to Israel.
Mearsheimer is one of America's highest profile anti Semites. He wouldn't know "the truth" if it hit him in the face, which I wish it would.

I'm actually horrified at the number of foolish bigots there seem to be on this site.
If you want to know who rules over, simply see who you are not allowed to criticise, right? Well, Dr Mearsheimer paid the price for his insightful account on the primacy of Israeli policymaking in American political calculations. Also, everybody knows the "anti-semite" name-calling-tactic employed by Zionists to dismiss much needed criticism on Israeli foreign policy and perverse transnational reach.
What about "canine conspiracy", instead?
Don't you know that doggies occupy so much of the world? Canines are harmful to felines and...Meow!

I can haz katfud?
Toutatis - I would never have considered you a 'jew'! That's probably because I don't know what the word 'jew' means? With the exception of somebody that hates 'jews' who's silence suggested he's been muted for a couple of weeks - I think you're in good company. How would you define a 'jew'? What is that draws such exception? I just don't get it......If somebody that genuinely has something against being a 'jew' could post something rational it would help me
cat person, I don't enjoy having to sound this cruel or harsh, but you are way off base with your lengthy, repeated thoughts on ethics and the absurd notion that "the existence of a deity can be proven, and is worthy of argument".

You say that one ought not to believe religious ideas based on his environment? Well I don't know who you've had contact with in your life, but I myself have heard this same idea you keep regurgitating in any thread about deism or religion a hundred times:

"If you (atheists) are right, then nothing happens, but if we (typically Christians) are right, then you have a lot to fear."

This is a pathetically desperate and last ditch effort on the Christian's part, and is absurd. Lets take a more observable phenomenon and apply the same logic:

"My son has telekinetic powers and ESP. He will kill you if you don't believe it". Say this to me and the first thing I will ask is *How do you know?* If you say that you witnessed it, then I will either think you're lying or you're schizophrenic. I will not fear the unknown, the mere possibility that I will die from not believing in something so unlikely, I will laugh at you.

That example is still far from the absurdity of a supposedly omnipotent, loving God sending his creations to suffer for eternity because they were skeptical of their fellow men.

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