
Pet peeve/bad gamesmanship

A pet peeve for one person may be acceptable for another.
The good approach in chess, is accepting the way people play.
It is best to let go of any ideas of trying to force a player to resign.
Just enjoy your games by trying to checkmate in the least amount of moves.
As Squishy said already before. (#29)

If you do not resign in hopes of him blundering then you should be thankful for every move he makes that prolongs the game, because every move he doesn't mate you, he runs the risk of stalemating you.

So it is very illogical for you to complain about him dragging on the game by playing sub optimally while you are dragging out the game by waiting for a blunder.

You can't have it both ways.
"I hope you don't or never have kids with that foul mouth of yours."
This was to me?
No sir it was for theinvestor who used vulgar language
and childish insults.
Everyone else made their points and opinions
I believe the moderators removed those post.
The option to resign doesn't exist in football or baseball, so those games are poor examples. Perhaps if that weren't the case then running up a score on a team that refuses to resign when they're down 4 touchdowns with a few minutes left might be viewed differently.
You should consider yourself very lucky.
See the following thread:
See these games:
When I have an opponent who has a clearly lost position and does not resign, I try to play a game called "avoid the stalemate"
This includes the following:
1. Capture all opponent's pieces except the king;
2. Queen all the pawns;
3. Get the opponent's king to the center of the board and checkmate in "x" or "+" pattern with the opponent's king in the crosshairs.
43# Toscani The wise one! I have a friend who said that chess a game for the intellect reveal the true characters of a person by the ways they played it. bye friends

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